OTR Studios, Cookie Marenco and the Bay Area Audiophile Society is presenting a unique event with Jason McGuire, renown Flamenco Guitarist performing solo guitar pieces. The event will demonstrate various micing techniques and compare the same recording from different aspects of mic placement. BAAS will provide a hifi listening system to investigate how close the natural tone can be emulated through speakers. Attendents will be able to ask questions and try some unique combinations under Marenco's guidance.
The two sessions sold out quickly and it is anticipated more are to follow. Jason Victor Serinus will attend the first session on behalf of Stereophile magazine. Matthew Harper, senior editor at EQ magazine, will be video taping session two for the EQ website.
OTR Studios would like to thank Bob Walters for organizing, coordinating and promoting the event.
It looks to be a fun and informative day!