Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Digital Dude—Patrick O’Connor Joins OTR and Cojema Music

Digital Dude—Patrick O’Connor joins us full time with a background in computers, digital recording and extensive graphics.

Last year at this time, Patrick came to the studio as a musician in Mick Overman’s band, Mick and the Maniacs. He is an incredible songwriter and like most, had a ‘day’ job managing a graphics department at a promotion company. His instincts and willingness to help us with graphics became invaluable. Patrick also brings a well honed knowledge of PC’s to the table and has forged new ground with our digital systems. With his attention to detail and reliability we hope to be able to move much quicker accomplishing our goals.

Hot Swap Room-- BYOR (Bring Your Own Rig).

An affordable way to have access to a great piano, iso booths, and high quality gear.

We’ve converted one of our iso booths into a small control room that has easy and private in/out access. We provide a small console, basic mics, cables and speakers, you bring in your digital rig and talent. When you need an isolated space for drums or use of a great piano, this can be a cost effective way for you to work. We provide an assistant, you do the engineering or instruct our team how to work with you. Ideal for producers with long or short term projects. Additional gear available for rent.

Red Carpet is gone, Green Walls are in

Sorry gang, the red carpet had to go. In its place, we’ve replaced the carpet and painted the walls a lime green color which adds a whole new feel. Come see it for yourself.

Expanded Facilities

We've added about 3000 square feet in a location down the street for office, housing, storage.

As much as we wanted the location next door, it just wasn’t possible, so instead, we’ve invested in a property down the street with incredible potential. Currently we are interested in short term rental for out of town execs, bands needing a place to stay in town while recording, additional office space to rent, folks between housing needing a place to stay. You can visit directly at

www.peninsulaguesthouse.com or call us at the studio.

Analog to Digital Restoration

A tried and true way to record to analog or restore your analog tapes to wave files.

Our first restoration project was using tapes from The Tubes performances from the mid 70’s. Ah, yes, that was a good year for tape. Kim Foscato, engineer for the Tubes, was there for the session as was Patrick O’Connor (OTR DigDude) and Felipe Neira (assistant for Kim and OTR). We made wav files on the MX2424 which proved to be reliable and sonically superior to other methods available. We downloaded to PC and transferred to DVD’s. From there, the wav files were transferred at producer, Al Cooper’s, studios to Nuendo Without a hitch.

Several bands have chosen to record basics to analog and take home the basic tracks. We now have incorporated a nearly seamless interface with the Otari MTR 90 and MX2424 system. We love recording to analog. This system offers flexibility to transfer to digital wave files easily.

Cookie Marenco writes for EQ

3 articles last year, from speakers to recording vocals to how to use delays and reverbs in a mix.

If you’d like to read the articles in full details, please go to

www.cookiemarenco.com where you can find all the articles written and interviews for other articles. Plans for next year are to write more articles and prep for a book.

Blue Coast Records SACD coming soon! – The Blue Coast Collection SACD is already in production. We were prompted by incredible reviews and sales in France to set a US release date for spring 2007. Currently, we have plans for an independent release in the US and more recordings to follow, including an incredible solo piano recording of Art Lande’s in preparation for release.

Silver Cable continues to beat the rest hands down.

Our new product division debuted the first beta cable products.

Tentatively called Goddess Labs, Cojema Music Group has launched a new product division specializing in high quality cable. We have experienced tremendous differences when compared to Monster and Mogami especially where high highs and low lows are concerned. Bass players are especially anxious to have the cable. Replacing your cable with our Silver Cable in your speaker chain will amaze you. If you are looking for full frequency response and definition in your chain, you’ll need to own one or two.

For the next year, we will offer the cable at a beta test price. It’s not cheap, but it is a value and will clean up your home recording chain. Money back guarantee.