Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Desmond Podcasts the WEIRD from OTR

Desmond Feher, our Internet Audio Specialist came up with the first in his series of podcasts.

Let's just say, we don't call it OUT THERE Recording for nothing.... Desmond has found the core of why we are engineers!

all these recordings came from the vaults of OTR. let us know what you think...

check out the 30 minute podcast... The Loose Mix...
the 60 minute version is more 'normal' for you light weights... The Tight Mix

if you can name one of the artists, you'll get an hour of free studio time.
if you name the song correctly, you'll get a second hour!

good until the end of April... In May we'll post the listings....

yahoo podcasts

pretty blue... i like it
podcast alley has alot more advertising crap, but works

podcast alley

far as we're aware, it doesn't appear you have to download some strange software for either.

If you want to know more about setting up your own podcasts for your website, contact Desmond at OTR Studios.
650 595 8475. He'll set you up!


.....................Blu Kube is never far away

1 comment:

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