Monday, July 04, 2011

OTR Studios on tape, DSD, selling high rez files, Korg MR2 giveaway and the California Audio Show

Hi Friends, hope your summer is a blast and your musical adventures are rewarding!  Love to hear what you're doing.  Email or post on our Facebook page

We've had an article in Keyboard Magazine, July issue, on recording Vijay Iyer's solo piano album, interns from Greece, France and Austria and started a revolution mixing to DSD digital (one bit recording, 2.8 million parts per second).  We still believe in analog tape and record to it when we can.. in fact, we supply the tape!  DSD digital audio allows us to send these files to customers around the world.  The sound revolution is on!

Call if you're ready to join!
650 595 8475.. Summer Specials are in the works.

Along with recording, mixing and mastering, we have a crew devoted to making websites and Downloads NOW! MicroStores.  Forget mp3 for your fans, give them the treat of CD Quality wav files!   If we master your release, you'll get a Store at no charge.  Here's the page we did for Vijay Iyer and ACT Music
We've got more than 130 Downloads NOW! MicroStores and growing.  These are beta sites to get more information.

July 15-17 The California Audio Show is taking place on the peninsula.  We'll be there recording and moderating a panel called DSD-Then, Now and Tomorrow. Please come by our room (Blue Coast World) or sign up NOW for the Korg MR2 giveaway contest.  The Korg is a great little recorder that you can take to gigs and record to DSD.  It's about the size of an iPhone.  Amazing.

We've just released the Blue Coast Collection 2, the 3 release from Blue Coast Records.  We're here to say that people will buy quality.  Put your heart and soul into your work and music lovers will listen.  We're selling DSD, 96kHz 24bit and CDQuality wav files.. (not mp3 or FLAC.. big ass files that sound great!)

Stay in touch and let us know what you're doing!

Cookie Marenco
OTR Studios
650 595 8475